Saturday, October 21, 2006


So, the days at Uni keep going, and somehow they get more boring each day. Yesterday I had to sit through a 2 hour lecture, to 400 people!, about how to breathe and hum properly.!! Wow! The excitement was overwhelming. Argh.. I think i've known how to breath for about 30 years lady, thanks for the advice though. And why do I need to know how to hum? Is this going to be in some future curiculum soon? Sometimes I think they are testing us, seeing how for they can push us bfore we snap. I may be very close, or I may ask for my money back for some of these shit lectures. Luckily I had my laptop with me, so I could surf the internet. And I found this website....

I'm so happy that people know what to do with their spare time. I wish I had the drive that whoever created this has. Honestly, its refreshing that people can be so productive with their time. All I do is watch TV and surf the Net. I could use my time to provide my own wisdom to the world. Anyways...

Kelsey and Wes. You complained that there was no Porn or Weed on my site... So I tried my best to find a picture that provided both for you.. Enjoy...


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