Saturday, October 28, 2006

Mars Bars and More.......

Happy weekend everybody. I am very tired. I've started my placement at Cairns Primary School. Now 6 weeks of lesson plans to be made..... fun fun fun.
Well, Friday night saw a plethora of beverages find their way down my gullet. I blame it all on a very evil man, Mr. Harper!!! I have the pleasure of working with this man, he's known as Simon to adults. He likes to drink, and in turn make you drink. There is no such thing as "lets go for a beer" with Simon. When those words are uttered, it usually means trouble. And Friday night trouble was spelt like this: "Can I have a million Jagger and Red Bull shots please, accompanied by a few thousand pints of your finest lager, and we'll finish off with a few rum and cokes, thank you garcon." Needless to say we got f'd up. It was good fun, not only because the drinks were flowing, but my friend Chris was up from London to visit for the evening. It was great to see him, have a chat about our year in Japan, and watch him consume chocolate bars like they were goin outta style. Here he is polishing off a Mars bar in one bite....

MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, thats my Friday night. It was great seeing Chris, and having a great night out in Glasgow. And now its Saturday and i've done nothing but sit in my pajamas all day!!! Wonderful!!!! Jess and I had 1 quick outing tho to the local grocery store to buy a pumpkin. We spent hours carving the following masterpiece....

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Bye for now!!! D-Roc


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